Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
  • Type of source: citation database
  • Documents: journals / papers
  • Format: text
  • Specialisation: multidisciplinary
  • Period covered: 1988–present day
  • Publication language: multilingual
  • Interface language: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese
  • Downloads available: yes
  • Off-line loans available: no
  • Video Guide (Czech)
    Supplementary information (Czech)
    Video guides (English only)
    Support (English only)
    Help (English only)


Journal Citation Reports is a unique citation database fromthe Clarivate Analytics. JCR makes it possible to search for the most cited journals in the given fields, to evaluate the impact of scientific results and to perform further analysis with the help of citation links. The records contain not merely the total number of citations received, but also other indicators such as Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Cited Half-life and Citing Half-life. The database is divided into two parts: JCR Science Editions and JCR Social Sciences Editions which together cover practically all branches of science.



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Remote access EZProxy